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Advanced communication solutions

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פניה למחלקת מכירות


Modern Office Buildings

Your ability to choose the Best

All options
In one place

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These one-button systems with a hotline function provide you with instant audio and/or video communication and building access control. Suitable if you want visitors to easily get in touch with a receptionist. For indoor and outdoor use.

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The Pancode systems provide for you a full duplex telephone communication through hands-free operation and control door opening via touch - tone telephones

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ITS Telecom company product line offers entry controls that interface with the protocol - SIP VoIP. You can install multiple systems at a single site or multiple systems in different geographical locations, based on the VoIP interface. Such entry controls combine voice, presence detection, video and other applications richer communication, performed a single IP network.

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Architect hold plans
Technical Academy

Satisfied customers - a daily challenge

Meeting these stringent threshold conditions is recognized and appreciated by the company's customers, including: Government ministries, banks, infrastructure companies, health organizations, communications companies, insurance companies, high-tech companies, local authorities and tens of thousands of satisfied customers in Israel and around the world.

Business Team

ITS Telecom: Ha'sivim 10 , Petach Tikva  Mailbox 7449 , Postal code 4959371, Tell: +972-73-373-0001

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